Slots In Farsi
The chain reaction bar adds multipliers to wins in a row, this happens because Persian Fortune is a cascading slot so there can be a chain of wins when winning symbols leave the reels. Play for Real Money. Just place a deposit with the Cashier and then you will be ready to play Persian Fortune for real money. The Persia Empire, whose duration ranged from circa 500 BC to the late 1970s and rose from Iran, is the basis for Persian Dreams. Therefore, Bally Wulff has developed a video slot with diverse themes, including: ancient Iran, imperial dynasty, royalty, and magic. Edict provides Persian Dreams.
- شکافHe took out an odd shaped key, inserted it in a slot in the wall, and turned it.او کلیدی از جیب خود بیرون آورد و در شکاف یکی از دیوارها فرور برد.
- جاميخواد صاف منو ببره جاي اون پست خالي
- درزدو تا سکه توی درز دخل خودکار جکپت انداخت
- محل
- هواگیر
- مرتبه
- (بال و دم هواپیما) چاک
- (به ویژه آهو) ردپا
- (دستگاه های خودکار و تلفن عمومی و قلک و غیره) سوراخ
- (عامیانه) ترتیب یا طرز قرار گیری (در ردیف یا صف یا سری)
- (عامیانه) در ردیف قرار دادن
- (مخفف) رجوع شود به slot machine
- جا (برای کسی یا چیزی)قایل شدن
- جای پا
- درز دادن
- رد پای آهو (و غیره) را گرفتن
- ردیابی کردن
- سوراخ دار کردن
- شکافدار کردن
A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc.
A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece.
(electrical) A channel opening in the stator or rotor of a rotating machine for ventilation and insertion of windings.
(slang, surfing) surfing term for the barrel or tube of a wave.
To put something where it belongs.
A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; especially, one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it.
(aviation) The allocated time for an aircraft's departure or arrival at an airport's runway.
(aviation) In a flying display, the fourth position; after the leader and two wingmen.
(computing) A space in memory or on disk etc. in which a particular type of object can be stored.
(slang) The vagina.
To put something (such as a coin) into a slot (narrow aperture)
To assign something or someone into a slot (gap in a schedule or sequence)
A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc.
A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece.
An implement for baring, bolting, locking or securing a door, box, gate, lid, window or the like.
A channel opening in the stator or rotor of a rotating machine for ventilation and insertion of windings.

A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; especially, one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it.
The allocated time for an aircraft's departure or arrival at an airport's runway.
In a flying display, the fourth position; after the leader and two wingmen.
A space in memory or on disk etc. in which a particular type of object can be stored.
The vagina.
To bar, bolt or lock a door or window.
To put something (such as a coin) into a slot (narrow aperture)
To assign something or someone into a slot (gap in a schedule or sequence)
wooden bar for fastening door
narrow depression, perforation, or aperture
the track of an animal, especially a deer
The location in a library or media changer which is assigned to a certain media (tape or disc).
Slot In Farsi
a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable; 'he developed a version of slot grammar'
a position in a hierarchy or organization; 'Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks'; 'she beat some tough competition for the number one slot'
a slot machine that is used for gambling; 'they spend hours and hours just playing the slots'
a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail); 'he put a quarter in the slot'
a time assigned on a schedule or agenda; 'the TV program has a new time slot'; 'an aircraft landing slot'

(computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board; 'the PC had three slots for additional memory'

the trail of an animal (especially a deer); 'he followed the deer's slot over the soft turf to the edge of the trees'
Show declension of slotAutomatic translation:slot
Picture dictionary
Similar phrases in dictionary English Persian. (3)
- کلونIt didn't have an iron latch on the front door, nor a wooden one with a buckskin stringنه چفت آهن به درش داشت و نه کلون سنگین چوبی.
- چفتراسکلنیکف با شتاب به سوی در رفت و آن را چفت کرد.
- ضامنخب ، شاید مشکل از ضامن سلکتوره -!
- کلتد
- بستن
- رجوع شود به night latch
- قفل توی در
- قفل فنری
- چفت و بستFernanda Watching him putting in latches and repairing clocksفرناندا وقتی او را در حال تعمیر و تنظیم لولاها، چفت و بست در و پنجرهها و تعمیر ساعتها دید،
- چفت کردنراسکلنیکف با شتاب به سوی در رفت و آن را چفت کرد.
- کشوی فنری
- کلون (در)
- کلون کردن
- گیر و بست
A fastening for a door that has a bar that fits into a notch or slot, and is lifted by a lever or string from either side.
(obsolete) A latching.
To close or lock as if with a latch
A fastening for a door that has a bar that fits into a notch or slot, and is lifted by a lever or string from either side.
A latching.
That which fastens or holds; a lace; a snare.
To close or lock as if with a latch
To smear; to anoint.
A short-term synchronization object protecting actions that need not be locked for the life of a transaction. A latch is primarily used to protect a row that the storage engine is actively transferring from a base table or index to the relational engine.
fastening for a door
catch for fastening a door or gate; a bar that can be lowered or slid into a groove
spring-loaded doorlock that can only be opened from the outside with a key
Show declension of latchLATCH

Initialism of [i]Lower anchors and tethers for children[/i].
Show declension of LATCHAutomatic translation:latch