Results Ww1


America was critical involved in military operations that led to the final conclusion of the Great War and was there to witness the end of WW1. On May 2nd 1915 the British passenger liner Lusitania was sunk by a torpedo from a German submarine. 1195 passengers, including 128 Americans, lost their lives. Courts Martial Records. Courts martial are legal bodies convened to determine the guilt or innocence of accused military men and women. Courts martial had the authority to try a wide range of military offences that resembled civilian crimes like fraud, theft or perjury.

World War I - ResultsThe First World War “ended” in 1918 in November, when the Treaty of Versailles was signed to create an armistice. Though this treaty became active on that day for Western Europe, this treaty did not take effect in Eastern Europe until up to mid-1920s. Political, cultural, and social order was changed immensely in Europe, Asia, and Africa, even countries not directly in the war. As a result of the damages from the war, many new countries were formed. Also, millions of people WORLDWIDE were killed after the war ended, by a virus we still battle today. After the signing of the treaty of Versailles on November 11, 1918 to end the world war, there were many plagues upon the participating countries. The largest 4…show more content…
The landscape of Europe was ravaged by the hundreds of bombings, damages to cities were enormous and a large amount of money was needed to rebuild, thousands to millions of people died, and the trauma from the war scarred an entire generation of people and opened their eyes to cruelty of war and the world. Disputes over leadership and land claims lead to creation of new countries; such as Austria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Yugoslavia. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia formed by secession from their previous countries. Austria and Hungary became the two parts of the split Austro-Hungary Empire. Austria took the eastern part of the empire and Hungary took the western part. Finland, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were released from ownership as Russian territories and they became their own countries. When the war had ended and deployment had begun, armed forces in Europe came in contact with the influenza virus. Without knowing, these soldiers began their journey back to the states with the virus and a great potential to spread it throughout the country. The virus began in the army training base Fort Riley and army medical center Camp Funston in Kansas. The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 caused over 50 million deaths worldwide and about 25-28% of Americans contracted the virus and from 500 to 675 thousand Americans died from the disease. In many

When war broke out, the Allied powers possessed greater overall demographic, industrial, and military resources than the Central Powers and enjoyed easier access to the oceans for trade with neutral countries, particularly with the United States.

What Caused Ww1 Short Summary

Table 1 shows the population, steel production, and armed strengths of the two rival coalitions in 1914.

Strength of the belligerents, Aug. 4, 1914
resourcesCentral PowersAllied Powers
population (in millions)115.2265.5
steel production (in millions of metric tons)17.015.3
army divisions available for mobilization146212
modern battleships2039

All the initial belligerents in World War I were self-sufficient in food except Great Britain and Germany. Great Britain’s industrial establishment was slightly superior to Germany’s (17 percent of world trade in 1913 as compared with 12 percent for Germany), but Germany’s diversified chemical industryfacilitated the production of ersatz, or substitute, materials, which compensated for the worst shortages ensuing from the British wartime blockade. The German chemist Fritz Haber was already developing a process for the fixation of nitrogen from air; this process made Germany self-sufficient in explosives and thus no longer dependent on imports of nitrates from Chile.

Results Of The Ww1

Of all the initial belligerent nations, only Great Britain had a volunteer army, and this was quite small at the start of the war. The other nations had much larger conscript armies that required three to four years of service from able-bodied males of military age, to be followed by several years in reserve formations. Military strength on land was counted in terms of divisions composed of 12,000–20,000 officers and men. Two or more divisions made up an army corps, and two or more corps made up an army. An army could thus comprise anywhere from 50,000 to 250,000 men.


The land forces of the belligerent nations at the outbreak of war in August 1914 are shown in Table 2.

Land forces of the belligerents, Aug. 4, 1914
countryregular divisions (with number of field armies)other land forcestotal manpower
*Restricted in 1914 to service at home.
Central PowersGermany98 (8)27 Landwehr brigades1,900,000
Austria-Hungary48 (6)450,000
Allied PowersRussia102 (6)1,400,000
France72 (5)1,290,000
Serbia11 (3)190,000
Belgium7 (1)69,000 fortress troops186,000
Great Britain6 (1)14 territorial divisions*120,000

The higher state of discipline, training, leadership, and armament of the German army reduced the importance of the initial numerical inferiority of the armies of the Central Powers. Because of the comparative slowness of mobilization, poor higher leadership, and lower scale of armament of the Russian armies, there was an approximate balance of forces between the Central Powers and the Allies in August 1914 that prevented either side from gaining a quick victory.

Germany and Austria also enjoyed the advantage of “interior lines of communication,” which enabled them to send their forces to critical points on the battlefronts by the shortest route. According to one estimate, Germany’s railway network made it possible to move eight divisions simultaneously from the Western Front to the Eastern Front in four and a half days.

Even greater in importance was the advantage that Germany derived from its strong military traditions and its cadre of highly efficient and disciplined regular officers. Skilled in directing a war of movement and quick to exploit the advantages of flank attacks, German senior officers were to prove generally more capable than their Allied counterparts at directing the operations of large troop formations.

Sea power was largely reckoned in terms of capital ships, or dreadnought battleships and battle cruisers having extremely large guns. Despite intensive competition from the Germans, the British had maintained their superiority in numbers, with the result that, in capital ships, the Allies had an almost two-to-one advantage over the Central Powers.

The strength of the two principal rivals at sea, Great Britain and Germany, is compared in Table 3.

British and German naval strength, August 1914
*Including Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand destroyers of all classes.
dreadnought battleships2014
battle cruisers94
pre-dreadnought battleships3922
armoured cruisers349

The numerical superiority of the British navy, however, was offset by the technological lead of the German navy in many categories, such as range-finding equipment, magazine protection, searchlights, torpedoes, and mines. Great Britain relied on the Royal Navy not only to ensure necessary imports of food and other supplies in wartime but also to sever the Central Powers’ access to the markets of the world. With superior numbers of warships, Great Britain could impose a blockade that gradually weakened Germany by preventing imports from overseas.