Plots Styles
You can change the Plot Style of the price graph by clicking the Settings button at the top of the chart or by clicking on the indicator label and selecting Edit. There are seven plot styles to choose from and each has its own unique properties that you can control.
Line Plots a line connecting the closing value of each period (daily, weekly, etc.) |
OHLC Bar Short for 'Open, High, Low, Close', this plot style shows the open, high, low and closing prices for the selected time frame. On a daily chart, for example, the vertical line represents the day's range with the top of the line being the high for the day and the bottom being the low. The horizontal bar on the left side represents the day's open and the bar on the right side is the close. For charts other than daily charts, the vertical bar represents the range for the time period (3-day, weekly, etc.) and the open and close lines represent the open and close of the period. |
HLC Bar Short for 'High, Low, Close', this plot style shows the high, low and closing prices for the selected time frame. On a Weekly chart, for example, the vertical line represents the week's range with the top of the line being the high for the week and the bottom being the low. The horizontal bar represents the week's close. |
Candlestick Candlestick charts show the open, high, low, and close for the period (day, week, 15 minute, etc.). The candlestick has two elements, the body and the wick. The body is the thick part of the candle and represents the range between the opening and closing prices. Traditionally, if the close is higher than the open, the body will be hollow. Conversely, if the open is higher than the close, the body will be solid. The wick shows the day's range when either the high or the low falls outside the range of the close and the open...more on Candlestick charts |
Bar Also known as a 'bar graph', this is a chart with rectangular bars which are proportional to the values they represent. This plot is not typically used to plot prices since a Line chart will give you the same information and not clutter up the chart as much. Bar charts are more widely used to plot volume and indicators like a MACD histogram which has values above and below zero. |
Area Similar to the Line plot style, except the Area plot style includes a shaded area below the line. |
Heiken-Ashi According to Investopedia, 'The Heiken-Ashi technique is extremely useful for making candlestock charts more readable - trends can be located more easily, and buying opportunities can be spotted at a glance ... When properly used, this technique can help you spot trends and trend changes from which you can profit!' Note: Heikin-Ashi candles are plotted using calculated data, not the actual open, high, low and close data. Read the Investopedia article for details on how they are calculated. |

How To Import Plot Style Autocad
- A plot style table in AutoCAD is a collection of plot styles assigned to a layout or to the Model tab. There are two types of AutoCAD plot style tables: color-dependent plot style tables and named plot style tables. Color-dependent AutoCAD Plot Style Tables (CTB).
- I am trying to locate Plot Style file. In Option: File: Printer Support File Path I get following directory: C: Program Data Autodesk ACAD 2011 enu Plotter Plot Style. My problem is: I can not find 'Program Data' any where, in 'Program files' and by any search I can not see 'enu'.
Plot Style Missing
Why We Don't Recommend STB Plot Styles. Because CTB plot styles rely on a logical system of layer colors rather than a long list of layer names, we've found them to be a much better option than STBs. Here's why STB Plot Styles: Overview. An STB file can include as many, or as few, named styles.