Plots Images

image {graphics}R Documentation
  1. Matlab Plot Image
  2. Plot Images Side By Side Matplotlib
  3. Plot Images As Points Ggplot
  4. Outliers In Scatter Plots Images
  5. Plt Plot Image

This saves the plot as Customed Plot.pdf inside the working directory. Here, dpi=300 represents 300 dots per inch in the saved image, and bboxinches='tight' represents no bounding box around output image. Save Plot Without Displaying in Non-Interactive Mode. However, if we are in interactive mode, the figure is always shown.

Display a Color Image

  • 13,133 garden plot stock photos are available royalty-free. Square Foot Garden Plot. A square foot garden plot ready for planting in the spring. A community garden plot all tilled and ready for planting in Prairie Crossing neighborhood in Grayslake.
  • Solved: I can't plot a jpg image that I inserted into AutoCAD. The image is a company logo. Anyone can help me out? Thanks in advance!


Matlab Plot Image

Creates a grid of colored or gray-scale rectangles with colorscorresponding to the values in z. This can be used to displaythree-dimensional or spatial data aka images.This is a generic function.

NOTE: the grid is drawn as a set of rectangles by default;see the useRaster argument to draw the grid as a raster image.

The function hcl.colors provides a broad range of sequentialcolor palettes that are suitable for displaying ordered data, withn giving the number of colors desired.



x, y

locations of grid lines at which the values in z aremeasured. These must be finite, non-missing and in (strictly)ascending order. By default, equallyspaced values from 0 to 1 are used. If x is a list,its components x$x and x$y are used for xand y, respectively. If the list has component z thisis used for z.


a numeric or logical matrix containing the values to be plotted(NAs are allowed). Note that x can be used insteadof z for convenience.


the minimum and maximum z values for which colorsshould be plotted, defaulting to the range of the finite values ofz. Each of the given colors will be used to color anequispaced interval of this range. The midpoints of theintervals cover the range, so that values just outside the rangewill be plotted.

xlim, ylim

ranges for the plotted x and y values,defaulting to the ranges of x and y.


a list of colors such as that generated byhcl.colors, gray.colors or similarfunctions.


logical; if TRUE, add to current plot (and disregardthe following four arguments). This is rarely useful becauseimage ‘paints’ over existing graphics.

xaxs, yaxs

style of x and y axis. The default 'i' isappropriate for images. See par.

xlab, ylab

each a character string giving the labels for the x andy axis. Default to the ‘call names’ of x or y, or to' if these were unspecified.


a set of finite numeric breakpoints for the colours:must have one more breakpoint than colour and be in increasingorder. Unsorted vectors will be sorted, with a warning.


logical. If true the midpoints of the colour intervalsare equally spaced, and zlim[1] and zlim[2] were takento be midpoints. The default is to have colour intervals of equallengths between the limits.


logical; if TRUE a bitmap raster is used toplot the image instead of polygons. The grid must be regular in thatcase, otherwise an error is raised. For the behaviour when this isnot specified, see ‘Details’.


graphical parameters for plot may also bepassed as arguments to this function, as can the plot aspect ratioasp and axes (see plot.window).

Plot Images Side By Side Matplotlib


The length of x should be equal to the nrow(z)+1 ornrow(z). In the first case x specifies the boundariesbetween the cells: in the second case x specifies the midpointsof the cells. Similar reasoning applies to y. It probablyonly makes sense to specify the midpoints of an equally-spacedgrid. If you specify just one row or column and a length-one xor y, the whole user area in the corresponding direction isfilled. For logarithmic x or y axes the boundaries betweencells must be specified.

Rectangles corresponding to missing values are not plotted (and so aretransparent and (unless add = TRUE) the default backgroundpainted in par('bg') will show through and if that istransparent, the canvas colour will be seen).

If breaks is specified then zlim is unused and thealgorithm used follows cut, so intervals are closed onthe right and open on the left except for the lowest interval which isclosed at both ends.

The axes (where plotted) make use of the classes of xlim andylim (and hence by default the classes of x andy): this will mean that for example dates are labelled assuch.

Notice that image interprets the z matrix as a table off(x[i], y[j]) values, so that the x axis corresponds to rownumber and the y axis to column number, with column 1 at the bottom,i.e. a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation of the conventionalprinted layout of a matrix.

Images for large z on a regular grid are rendered moreefficiently with useRaster = TRUE and can prevent rareanti-aliasing artifacts, but may not be supported by all graphicsdevices. Some devices (such as postscript and X11(type = 'Xlib')) which do not support semi-transparent colours may emitmissing values as white rather than transparent, and there may belimitations on the size of a raster image. (Problems with therendering of raster images have been reported by users ofwindows() devices under Remote Desktop, at least under itsdefault settings.)

The graphics files in PDF and PostScript can be much smaller underthis option.

If useRaster is not specified, raster images are used when thegetOption('preferRaster') is true, the grid is regularand either dev.capabilities('rasterImage')$rasterImageis 'yes' or it is 'non-missing' and there are no missingvalues.


Originally based on a function by Thomas Lumley.


See Also

filled.contour or heatmap which canlook nicer (but are less modular),contour;The lattice equivalent of image islevelplot.

Plot Images As Points Ggplot

hcl.colors, gray.colors,hcl, hsv, par.

Outliers In Scatter Plots Images

dev.capabilities to see if useRaster = TRUE issupported on the current device.

Plt Plot Image
