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late 14c., occasioun, 'opportunity; grounds for action or feeling; state of affairs that makes something else possible; a happening, occurrence leading to some result,' from Old French ochaison, ocasion 'cause, reason, excuse, pretext; opportunity' (13c.) or directly from Latin occasionem (nominative occasio) 'opportunity, appropriate time,' in Late Latin 'cause,' from occasum, occasus, past participle of occidere 'fall down, go down,' from ob 'down, away' (see ob-) + -cidere, combining form of cadere 'to fall' (from PIE root *kad- 'to fall'). The notion is of a 'falling together,' or juncture, of circumstances. The sense of 'the time or a time at which something happens' is from 1560s.
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occasion (v.)
mid-15c., occasionen, 'to bring (something) about, be the cause of (something),' from occasion (n.), or else from Old French occasionner 'to cause,' from Medieval Latin occasionare, from Latin occasionem (see occasion (n.)). Related: Occasioned; occasioning.
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