Myvegas Slots Promotional Calendar
NOTE: - these promo codes are added by the public, does not test if these are valid promo codes. using 3 or more invalid promo codes in a short time period may result in a 24 hour suspension of mobile code entry in your mobile app. this page shows the 10 most recent mobile promo codes. Answer 1 of 9: I know a bunch of people has asked the same following questions. I am just trying to get clarification on my certain questions. So I have been playing these games for about a couple months and have put no money into them. Gamble for free in Las Vegas with the myVEGAS rewards listed below. The price for these rewards can be quite high, but they do give you the chance to win a big payout in the casino. Complimentary Cake – St. Johns Park Bowling Club – 2,500; $10 Slot Dollars – Borgata – 5,000; $25 Match Play – Borgata – 5,000.
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- Myvegas Slots Promotional Calendar 2020
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In the past, the only way to redeem a purchased room reward was by calling the redemption number listed after claiming your prize. For MLife properties, this process is a bit more streamlined.
1. After purchasing the reward, you’ll be asked to enter your name and email address. Be sure to put in the email address that corresponds with your MLife account. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to sign up before completing the transaction.
2. You will receive your purchase confirmation via email, along with a redemption link which brings you to your MLife account.
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3. Upon logging into MLife, the specific reward calendar will be available. The available dates are highlighted in gold. Click on the date you’d like to redeem and follow the checkout instructions.

Promotional Calendar Magnets
This process is nice as it allows you to add extra dates on to your comp if you plan on continuing your stay at the particular hotel. No credit card is required. Reminder: you will still be charged the hotel’s resort fee and applicable tax. I just redeemed the NYNY room seen above. It took about 5 minutes and, best of all, no need to wait on the phone!
Myvegas Slots Promotional Calendar 2020

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For a peek inside of what some of the comp rooms look like, check out the following reviews: