Baby Challenge

100 Baby Challenge - Families That Play Together, Stay Together. Quite a few.PNGs under the cut! The Terry kids are really enjoying the new campfire in their backyard! The Matchmaker 100 Baby Challenge - New House, Old Beginnings. No new babies are born in this update, nor does Logan find a new love interest. Your baby may need to do the car seat challenge for several reasons, including: If your baby is less than 37 weeks gestation. If your baby has a low birth weight — less than 5.5 pounds (2,500 grams) at birth. If your baby requires oxygen at the time of discharge from the hospital.
Wow that is right boys and girls this modpack is put together for the 100 baby challenge and you'll enjoy the extra mods that will aid you along your adventure.
For the 100 baby challenge the featured mod is Minecraft Comes Alive that lets you find a spouse, get married and have kids. If you want to do the 100 baby challenge with animals the Mo' Creatures lets you breed all kinds of baby animals.
The Tech side of this modpack is just enough to help you along your journey.
Mods In Pack:
About Project

The Goal:
The 100 Baby Challenge is one of the more difficult Sims 4 challenges out there. The aim is to give birth to 100 children in as few generations as you can.
How to Play:
100 Baby Challenge
- Create your Sim
Make a female Sim in Create-A-Sim to start the challenge with. Since you want to finish the challenge in as few generations as possible, it is recommended you set their age as young adult. Make sure that your Sim’s lifespan is set to normal.
- Start making babies!
One rule for this challenge is that you may not have more than one baby with the same father (unless of course you have twins or triplets).
- No cheating
You may not use any in-game cheats, but you are permitted to age-up the babies immediately after giving birth. To do this simply click on the baby’s crib and select Age Up from the menu option.
- Give birth to girls
To continue the legacy you must give birth to at least one female Sim. When your founder becomes an elder, the challenge is taken over by their youngest daughter.
For more in-depth rules and challenge variations check out Snarky Sims Witch Tumblr post.
How to Win The 100 Baby Challenge:
The challenge ends when either the 100th child is born or you run out of female heirs to continue the legacy. The number generations it takes to give birth to 100 babies determines how successfully you have completed the challenge.
Baby Challenge Instagram
Challenge Badges correspond to the number of generations it takes to have 100 babies:
Baby Challenge Minecraft
Bronze Badge = 10 generations or more
Silver Badge = 6 – 9 generations
Gold Badge = 4 or 5 generations
Baby Challenge Karina Omg
Platinum Badge = 3 generations or less
Baby Challenge Pic
Feel free to save and display your Challenge Badges on your blogs and social feeds: