3 Roots Molar

3 roots molar definition3 roots molar calculatorRoots
  1. Outline form -

    - external outline form evolves from internal anatomy of the pulp as opposed to operative outline form which is based on external anatomy.

    - size of pulp chamber

    1. larger in young teeth
    2. smaller in older teeth
    - shape of pulp chamber
    1. varies with shape of crown

    2. age of tooth
    3. functional activity
    4. history of tooth

    - number and curvature of root canals

    - in Endodontic Access preparation convenience form regulates the ultimate outline form

  2. Convenience form -

    - objectives of Endodontic Convenience form
    1. unobstructed access to the canal orifice
    2. direct access to the apical foramen - freedom within coronal cavity to reach apex in unstrained position
    3. cavity expansion to accommodate filling techniques
    4. complete authority over enlarging instrument

    - *inadequate convenience form will lead to:
    1. perforation of root
    2. ledging of root
    3. instrument breakage
    4. incorrect shape of completed canal
    5. improper debridement

  3. Removal of remaining carious dentin -

    - eliminates bacteria from interior of tooth
    - eliminates discolored tooth structure
    - eliminates saliva leaking into prepared access cavity
    - if too much tooth structure is lost which prevents placing of rubber dam and sealing against saliva gingivoplasty or crown lengthening may be necessary.

  4. Toilet of cavity -

    - all caries, debris and necrotic material must be removed from the pulp chamber before proceeding to root preparation.

  5. - flushing the access chamber prevents:
    1. obstruction with debris during canal enlargement
    2. soft debris from chamber from increasing bacterial population in canal
    3. coronal debris from staining crowns especially in anterior teeth

  6. Intra-radicular preparation and cleaning and shaping -

    - will be discussed at another lecture

    CANAL MORPHOLOGY - see appendix in syllabus

3 Roots Molar Function

3 Roots Molar

3 Root Molar Native American

External root morphology. The maxillary first molar normally has three roots. The mesiobuccal root is broad distobuccal and has prominent depressions or flutings on its mesial and distal surfaces. The internal canal morphology is highly variable, but the majority of the mesiobuccal roots contain two canals. A molar root canal may take a couple of hours. X-rays are taken of the infected tooth to establish how many canals are present and where the work will be done. Molars can have two to four canals and may require multiple visits. In some cases antibiotics may be given prior to, during, or after the molar root canal procedure. Lower 1st and 2nd premolars (bicuspids) - Just have 1 root. Upper 1st, 2nd and 3rd molars - 3 roots. Lower 1st, 2nd and 3rd molars - 2 roots. Variability in the number of root canals. Each of a tooth's roots will have at least 1 root canal. But some characteristically have, or at least often have, more. After that, other teeth slowly begin to fill in, usually in pairs - one each side of the upper or lower jaw - until all 20 teeth (10 in the upper jaw and 10 in the lower jaw) have come in by the time the child is 2 ½ to 3 years old. The complete set of primary teeth is in the mouth from the age of 2 ½ to 3 years of age to 6 to 7 years of age. Wisdom teeth are the most commonly missing teeth in adult mouths. You’re also more likely to have issues with these molars than with any other teeth. Learn why with WebMD's slideshow.